Engagements and consultation


How we consult with the community to effectively manage and shape the tax, superannuation and registry systems.

ATO Consultation Framework

Find out about our consultation framework, our reference document for people involved in consultation.

What we consult about

ATO consults on a range of topics relevant to Digital Service Providers (DSP’s).

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Digital Partnership Office - Our role

The Digital Partnership Office (DPO) is a specialised hub designed to support Digital Service Providers with all ATO interactions. DPO maintains an understanding of industry which informs our tailored approach to consultation and engagement.

Digital Service Provider (DSP) engagement model 

Our tailored approach to engagement with DSPs has been developed in line with the ATO Consultation Framework. The DSP engagement model (PDF, 187KB) is designed to deliver outcomes through our engagement and consultation objectives:

  • Strategic – guiding direction
  • Operational – co-designing solutions
  • Tactical – problem solving
  • Informative – staying connected

DSP Consultation Groups

There are several existing DSP consultation groups, each with a clear purpose, which may be used to conduct consultation. 

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Getting involved in consultation

You can get involved in open consultation or request to be a member of a DSP consultation group. Membership for DSP groups is generally established through expressions of interest (EOI). Timing of EOIs and duration of membership varies depending on the nature of the consultation.

Learn more by reading about each of our DSP consultation groups.


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