Product register

This product register provides a randomised list of commercially available software products, which have met the Digital Service Provider (DSP) Operational Security Framework (OSF) security requirements. All products included on the register are authorised to use ATO digital wholesale services and send data directly to the ATO via a Sending Service Provider (SSP) or Super Gateway.

The software listed can provide a range of functionality including; payroll (STP), business accounting, practice management, superannuation and self-managed super fund.

The product register also indicates whether the software has a Cloud software ID, which can be used to authorise your software with the ATO. For further information refer to the Cloud Authorisation and AuthenticationExternal link page.

We do not recommend or endorse any of the products listed on this register. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the product descriptions provided by companies. Should you have any questions about product suitability please contact the company directly.

In addition to this register we have additional registers which focus on specific segments:

How to use this register

  • Clicking on the column header will sort it alphabetically
  • On the ‘Functionality’ and ‘Target market’ column you can filter for specific product categories.
  • Clicking on the ‘+’ next to the product name this will display the product’s description, ABN and authorised services.

Target market for Payroll (STP):

  • Micro – Employers with 1 to 4 employees
  • Small – Employers with 19 or fewer employees
  • Medium – Employers with 20 or more employees and total withholding (PAYGW) between $100,000 and $1 million
  • Large – Employers with 20 or more employees and total withholding greater than $1 million per annum

Product register

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