Our goal is to provide all digital service providers (DSPs) with tailored support that is responsive and resolves your requests and issues promptly.
The platform is available 24/7 and is the one entry point for all DSPs to securely submit requests which are triaged and assigned to the right technical specialist for resolution. Online services for DSPs is continually updated with practical and procedural guidance and troubleshooting information for you to self-serve. The SBR Service Desk phone line (1300 488 231) is available to assist with developing or testing SBR-enabled software queries and for any critical system issues.
The Digital Partnership Office (DPO) works closely with our business and technical teams to maintain the quality of the information and provide visibility of common issues and faster response times.
To enhance our service offering and support the growth and progression of our digital services and partners, our service model includes:
- specialised DPO staff to support current and new work programs
- partnering with a small number of industry representatives to participate and contribute to ATO strategic working groups
- providing more opportunities for all DSPs to collaborate with the ATO and participate in forums and working groups
- a commitment to improving communication and self-help information via the DSP hub in Online Services for DSPs.
Contact us
If you have questions about the support model, contact the DPO via the DSP service desk in Online services for DSPs or email DPO@ato.gov.au.