Overview of our services

Find information about our digital services including:

Digital services available

We offer a wide range of digital wholesale services for digital service providers (DSPs) through Standard Business Reporting (SBR). These include application programming interfaces (APIs) to suit your software such as:

  • tax and business accounting
  • payroll
  • super
  • business registration and other reporting services.

Tax and business accounting

You can integrate our tax and business accounting digital services with your software to deliver a seamless experience for your business and tax professional users. The practitioner lodgment service (PLS) enables your users to lodge a number of forms including:

  • Individual income tax return
  • Company tax return
  • Partnership tax return
  • Business activity statement
  • Fringe benefits tax return
  • Self-managed superannuation fund annual returns
  • Fund income tax returns
  • Trust tax returns

Our PLS services also include a number of service functions that allow your users to do more in their software including client update, direct debit, private ruling and lodgment status services.

Note that these services may be restricted to the reporting party (that is, the business or trustee) and their representatives (such as tax or BAS agents) accessing data for the purposes of administering tax affairs. Refer to the ATO Service Registry and relevant Business Implementation Guides for further details.

See also


Our current payroll services include:

  • submit a TFN Declaration
  • report a pay event (for Single Touch Payroll)
  • create a payment summary.

Our payroll services will continue to expand through Single Touch Payroll.

We also provide the information required to develop payroll services including tax tables, formulas and instructions.

Note that these services may be restricted to the payer (or an authorised payee), or by a Registered Tax/BAS/Payroll Services Agent. Refer to the ATO Service Registry and relevant Business Implementation Guides for further details.

See also


Our range of digital services enables super funds and businesses to comply with superannuation obligations or obtain information from the ATO that facilitates compliance and ensures transfers contain accurate information.

These services include:

  • TFN validation - validates employee or super member details against ATO information
  • Fund validation - collects information from super funds regarding their super products and makes this information available
  • Super match - provides a list from the ATO of super fund memberships and any ATO held super monies
  • Super member - enables real time reporting of member account information.

Note that these services may be restricted to Superannuation fund trustees, representatives and agents. Please refer to the ATO Service Registry and relevant Business Implementation Guides for further details.

See also

Business registration and reporting

We are currently developing a number of digital services which will enable a business or their intermediary to register an Australian Business Number (ABN) and associated tax roles.

We also have a number of digital services that enable you to build products that report on mandatory reporting obligations including Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), Common Reporting Standards (CRS) and Country by Country (CbC).

A large number of these services are Standard Business Reporting (SBR)-enabled.

Note that these services may be restricted to eligible entities. Refer to the ATO Service Registry and relevant Business Implementation Guides for further details.

Detailed technical documentation

For a complete list of our SBR enabled services, refer to the ATO service registryExternal link. The Service Registry includes the key information on each service such as:

  • Service description
  • Current status and availability
  • Access restrictions

Our technical documentation is delivered in a number of documents, including:

  • Messaging documentation (ATO ebMS Web Service Guide, ATO ebMS Implementation Guide).
  • Business documentation (ATO Common Business Implementation Guide, service Business Implementation Guide).
  • Technical service packages (Message Structure Tables, Validation Rules etc).

For further details, refer to the ATO SBR Logical Artefact Map (PDF, 208KB)

Security requirements

Our digital services present a range of service opportunities but also risks and security implications. It is crucial for us to work together to protect the integrity of the taxation and superannuation systems for the Australian community.

To use our digital services DSPs must demonstrate their compliance with our stringent security requirements. For further details, refer to the Requirements for DSPs page.  

The next step: review restrictions on the use of our digital services

Review the approved use and legislative and operational restrictions on using our digital services by looking at the ATO digital wholesale services conditions of use.

Contact us

For further information and to provide feedback, contact the DPO via Online services for DSPs or by emailing DPO@ato.gov.au.

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