Business transactions through payment systems report

This page provides links and information to assist digital service providers to understand the requirements of the Business transactions through payment systems (BTTPS) legislation.


Organisations that process transactions for their business clients through an electronic payment system need to report these transactions in a BTTPS report. Organisations may have a reporting obligation if they process:

  • payments in a merchant acquiring system
  • BPAY payments
  • direct debit payments.

A payment system is defined by the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998.

The information reported will be used to:

  • pre-fill income tax returns to make it easier for individuals and businesses to lodge
  • ensure businesses comply with their tax obligations, including lodging their tax returns and reporting their income.

Read more about the new data reporting requirements.

Key Dates

Reports need to be submitted by 31 July each year. Reporters can choose to provide the required data more frequently during the year through monthly reporting or by providing multiple months per report.


Test Facility

Use the external vendor testing environment (EVTE) to test your software.

  • Complete the file transfer test facility registration to obtain a user ID and password for the test facility.
  • Once you complete the online form you will receive notification of your user ID and password in 1-3 days.
  • For support in the use of the test facility including password resets:
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