GST on imported services and digital products

This page provides information about new legislation that applies GST to international sales of imported services and digital products to Australian consumers.


This initiative was part of Tax Time 2017.

The laws apply the goods and services tax (GST) to the international sale of services and digital products provided to Australian consumers.

Some examples of digital products include:

  • downloaded movies
  • downloaded games
  • electronic books.

Some examples of services include:

  • architectural designs
  • legal advice
  • on-line educational courses.

Non-resident businesses that sell imported services or digital products to Australian consumers and meet the registration annual turnover threshold of A$75,000 or more need to register for GST. Once registered, they need to report and pay GST to the ATO on sales made from 1 July 2017.

Non-resident businesses have the choice to report and pay GST under either a simplified system designed for non-residents or the standard GST registration system.

Under the simplified GST system, non-resident suppliers of imported services and digital products will be able to register report and pay GST online.

Alternatively, your users would need to register under the full GST registration system.

Key Dates

Non-resident businesses are able to register using the new simplified GST system from 26 June 2017 and report and pay on the new system from 1 October 2017. Lodgment and payments  due every quarter if using the simplified GST system.

Links and documents

Consultation (meetings, seminars, workshops)

In 2016, we consulted with software developers on the software changes needed to allow overseas businesses to comply with the new law.

Feedback and questions

You can send feedback and questions to:

All feedback and responses are published.