This webinar was held on Thursday 26 May 2022 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm AEST. The agenda and associated documents were issued with the invitation and can be found in Online services for DSPs.
At this meeting the main discussion points were:
Addressing questions and concerns from previous meeting
Business inbox will be provided at the entity level i.e. one business inbox per entity.
Communication and notices addressed to the company (e.g. certificate of registration, annual statement pack, statements of account) will be sent to the Business inbox.
Documents that must be served to the company (such as legal summons) will not be sent to Business inbox.
Retail co-design feedback
The perspective of users is that the Business inbox will be of greater value once more government agencies onboard.
Through past learning from myGov, it was identified that there is minimal value in sending both paper and digital correspondence. Therefore, it is important to maintain a consistent approach for the WofG Business inbox.
General Counsel advice and onboarding principles
Concerns were raised that the initial legal advice provided by General Counsel indicated the Business inbox may be a retail-only solution and that tax agents would be unable to legally opt in. DSPs highlighted the important role tax agents could play in take-up of Business inbox as they are commonly engaged by directors and public officers to manage their affairs.
Timelines for delivery
DSPs raised concern at being able to deliver both the Companies release and Business inbox simultaneously due to developer capacity. DSPs noted that the Companies release and Business inbox are at a similar level of complexity.
Next meeting
A placeholder will be issued for the next meeting which is likely to be held in August 2022.
No previous versions available.