Business inbox design working group

The final meeting for this focus group was held on 26 May 2022. This group is now closed.

The primary focus of the Business inbox design working group will be to explore with Digital Service Providers (DSPs) the architectural and technical design options to shape the development of a whole-of-government (WofG) business inbox capability.

Terms of Reference

The Business inbox Terms of Reference (PDF, 158KB) describes the purpose, membership, roles and responsibilities of the group. The ATO consultation framework underpins our consultation framework arrangements.


Membership (PDF, 59.6KB) of the Business Inbox is made up of digital service providers from a range of industry segments and of relevant ATO staff.


Relevant documentation for the working group will be added as it becomes available.


Contact information

For feedback and questions regarding the Business Inbox, raise a ticket in Online services for DSPs.

The secretariat for the Business Inbox design working group can be contacted by email at

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