Attention: This specification does not apply to self-managed super funds.
This FINAL electronic reporting specification for Super member tax file number (TFN) notification version 1.2.2 replaces the previously published final version 1.2.1.
This specification details the system requirements necessary for the Super member TFN notification to be received electronically. These reports are generated in response to the lodgment of superannuation information on the Member contributions statement (MCS).
The update to the electronic reporting specification for Super member TFN notification and associated outbound notification data file, is a change to the file naming convention of the data file. This will assist recipients with 'up front' identification on the specific type of TFN notification content of the data file.
A summary of change follows:
Section 4 Physical specifications. Internet information has been updated regarding the file naming conventions of data files sent by the ATO to recipients. The introduced file naming conventions allow the recipient to identify the type of data file tax file number (TFN) information contained within the notification.
Note: The expected implementation date for this change is 28 February 2014.
A detailed list of all changes to this version of the specification can be found in the section ‘Changes in this version of the specification’ within the published FINAL tracked and clean specification.
Superannuation member tax file number (TFN) notification specification v1.2.2
Original Published Date
Tax Category
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