Private health insurance report (PHIR) specification v3.0.0

v3.0.0 FINAL
Original Published Date
Tax Category
Tax preparation
Business accounting
Resource Type

The FINAL Private health insurance report version 3.0.0 electronic reporting specification has been published. The final version 3.0.0 replaces version 2.1.1 for the 2015 and subsequent financial year reporting periods.

Private health insurance funds must use version 3.0.0 of the specification to report member information online directly to the ATO using the Business Portal.

The final specification incorporates updates to reflect direct reporting to the ATO by funds. The significant changes for software developed products are:

  • The build to include Supplier data records 1, 2 and 3 and the associated data record information into the Private health insurance report data file.
  • The inclusion of the count of Supplier data records 1, 2 and 3 in the Count of total records field in the File total data record.
  • Change to allowable values for the Type of data indicator in the Reporting Entity data record.

A detailed list of all changes can be found in the ‘Changes to this version of the specification’ section.

A tracked version of the final specification showing changes from the previous final version 2.1.1 is provided as well as a clean version.

Private health insurance report companion guide

The FINAL  Private health insurance report companion guide has been published and incorporates updates to reflect direct reporting to the ATO by funds.

A tracked version of the final guide showing changes from the previous version is provided as well as a clean version.

Private health insurance statement specification

The Private health insurance statement specification has been published. As this is the first occurrence of this document only a clean version is provided.

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