Quarterly tax file number (QTFN) and Australian business number (ABN) report specification v6.2.0

Original Published Date
Tax Category
Investment bodies
Resource Type

The FINAL Quarterly tax file number and Australian business number (QTFN) report version 6.2.0 has been published. A clean version and a tracked version have been provided for your information.

The main updates in the draft specification follow.

  • Removed references to Electronic Media - Media Information Processing Services (MIPS) as a lodgment option as reporters using this version are required to lodge via the Business Portal (portal).
  • Information on the portal as a channel has been included.
  • All reference to Electronic Commerce Interface (ECI) as a channel has been removed from this specification.

Changes to data records, values and definitions

  • Character position correction in the Supplier data record 1
  • Data field definition 7.61 - The sex field has been replaced with a filler field and the definition has been updated to reflect this.

A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commencing section ‘Changes in this version of the specification’ of the document.

File Size Upload date
QTFN report v6.2.0 clean (DOCX) 308.64 KB 22 Oct 2015
QTFN report v6.2.0 tracked (DOCX) 353.88 KB 22 Oct 2015