The FINAL Electronic reporting specification - Remittance advice and recovery notice version 4.0.0 has been published to the software developer's website.
This specification describes the data structure and format requirements for electronically receiving a Remittance advice and recovery notice report, as well as the conventions necessary for receiving payments associated with an advice.
This version incorporates the following:
- Low Income Superannuation Contribution (LISC) initiatives introduced as part of the Tax Laws Amendment (Stronger, Fairer, Simpler and Other Measures) Act 2012, which will commence after 1 July 2013, and
- the addition of unclaimed superannuation money (USM) to the Transmission grouping file and message release definition to enable USM Recovery Notices to Funds via electronic channels to commence after the 1 January 2014.
A detailed list of changes can be found in the section "Changes in this version of the specification" within the published specification.
To assist in identifying changes, a tracked version of the Remittance advice and recovery notice specification showing all changes from version 3.2 to version 4.0.0, and a clean version of the FINAL specification version 4.0.0 are provided for your convenience.
Any enquiries/comments regarding this specification should be directed to the Software Industry Liaison Unit at
Draft version was inadvertantly published in the site migration.