Original Published Date
Tax Category
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The Tax file number (TFN) declaration reporting version 3.0.0 in FINAL has been published to the software developers website. A clean version and a tracked version have been provided for your information.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found in the commencing section ‘Changes in this version of the specification’ of the Final document.
Difference between version 2.3.1 and version 3.0.0
General key changes
- General wording changes to allow for consistency update and clarify information and processes.
- Changes have not been tracked where sentences have been restructured and the intent/information has not changed.
Changes to data records, values and definitions
- Record length in all records changed from 648 to 996
- Supplier data record 1
- ATO report specification version number update to FTFNDV03.0
- Payer identity data record
- Removed the Contact facsimile number field
- Added the Payer email address field
- Software data record
- Removed the ECI tested field
- Payee declaration data record
- Moved character position for the Residency status field, Higher education loan programme (HELP) or Trade support loan (TSL) indicator field, Student Financial Supplement Scheme indicator field, Payee signature present field, Date declaration signed by payee field.
- Residency status field change to Payee tax status and code added for working holiday maker, definition update to reflect changes
- Removed the Payee terminated indicator field, the Senior Australians tax offset claimed field and the Zone, dependant or special rebates claimed field
- The definition for Payee tax file number field – removed the requirement that the Payee terminated indicator field must be T if the Payee tax file number field is 111111111.
Last modified date